Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Five Things

Five Things

Five Favorite Restaurants
1. Cafe Rio
2. Cheese Cake Factory
3. Applebees
4. Chilis
5. California Tortilla

Five Things I Was Doing Five Years Ago
1. Moving to UT
2. Applying to Grad Schools
3. Applying for jobs
4. Making the transition from missionary to "normal" life :-) (I can't believe it has been that long!)
5. Getting back together with college friends

Five Things I Do Not Like
1. Fish or any kind of seafood except for shrimp
2. Car problems
3. Paperwork
4. Feeling stressed
5. Sewing

Five Things I Like To Do In My Spare Time
1. Facebook
2. Read
3. TV
4. Movies
5. Play the piano

Five Favorite Drinks
1. Hot chocolate
2. OJ
3. Chocolate Milk
4. Strawberry Fanta
5. Fresca

Five Places I Have Lived
1. Cody, WY
2. Casper, WY
3. Provo, UT
4. Bountiful, UT
5. Auburn, AL (mission)

1 comment:

Maren said...

What?! You don't like paperwork?!?